A cool figure from a recent project I have been working on.


Straw, C. M., Principe, F. M., Kurtz, E. L., Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M., & Horgan, B. P. (2020). Within-field variability of turfgrass surface properties and athlete performance: Modeling their relationship using GPS and GIS technologies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 234(2), 170-175.

Godbole, A., Kelley, E., Kurtz, E., PraƂat, P., & Zhang, Y. (2017). The total acquisition number of the randomly weighted path. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 37(4), 919-934.

Selected Working Papers

Race, ethnicity, and moral values: On the measure and mismeasure of moral values in the American public. Co-authored with Goren, P. & Barrett, C. (Under review at the British Journal of Political Science)

Measuring county-level deindustrialization in the United States. (Under review at the British Journal of Political Science) Preprint

When do we give companies a pass to destroy the environment? Co-authored with Sumner, J. L.